Congrats on your new role! :D
First of all, would love it if you worked on expending the Partnernship Program to other countries.
Secondly, please provide more data in the Stats page. For the publication itself and individual stories:
1. Stats that aren't limited to a specific period (30 + 90 days): Custom + All Time
2. See the *change* of views and enagement in the Stories list of the publication. Right now, if I see a jump in the Publication's stats, I need to look inside each story to understand where it came from.
3. See the change of user reach from each source, so I can also see if there was a specific jump in a story that came from a specific source.
4. See stats of sources for the whole publication. If 10 viewers came from Hacker News in post A and 5 in post B, see a total of 15 viewers from Hacker News in the publication. Can help us understand where our best audience can be found.